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Compliant chargers now shipping!

We’re pleased to let you know that we’re now shipping fully compliant stock to our network of electrical wholesalers across the UK, with no change to our pricing.

From 30th December 2022 the Electric Vehicle (Smart Charge Points) Regulations changed to ensure increased security measures are integrated into all newly installed chargers, this means there are a large number of chargers in the market which don’t currently meet regulations.

What are the new security measures?

  • A tamper detection mechanism
    This device records attempts to remove the front cover and notifies the charge-point owner
  • Anti-tamper fixings
    Helping to protect the charger against unauthorised tampering and access
  • Unique access passwords
    The password is unique to that relevant charge-point and not derived from, or based on publicly available information
  • Security event log
    A log of notifications must now be available to the charge-point owner in relation to their charger
  • Firmware visibility
    To improve transparency, users will be able to see which software versions their charge-point runs, and when an update is due
  • Updated software and security standards
    Charge-points connected to online networks must incorporate new encryption and authentication standards to improve security

Our new stock is shipping to Wholesalers now, just look out for the “-02” suffix code on product labelling (e.g. EVS7G-02).

Installation hasn’t changed, but should you need any help please contact our Technical Support team on (01952) 983 940 or email

What happens to existing stock of EVS & EVT (-01 Models) and EVCP Compact chargers?

These models are compliant with The Electric Vehicles (Smart Charge Points) Regulations 2021, excluding Schedule 1, and they have been approved by the regulator for sale & installation until 31st October 2023 (OPSS Enforcement Undertaking Approved 27th January 2023).

I’m an Installer – can I still install these products?

Yes, all our products can be installed with complete confidence.  All -01 suffixed products, and the EVCP Compact charger are approved for installation until 31st October 2023.
All -02 suffixed products are fully compliant with the latest Smart Charging Regulation, including Schedule 1.

I’m a Wholesaler – what do I need to do?

If you wish to continue to sell the -01 product or the Compact EVCP version from your stock : 

    • Wholesalers need to have a simple enforcement undertaking of their own accepted by OPSS 
    • To apply for an enforcement undertaking you can add your details to this template, which we have pre-populated, and send it to – OPSS aims to provide confirmation within a week
    • Once your offer of an enforcement undertaking is accepted by OPSS you can carry on buying the Compact product from us and continue selling any of our products to your customers until 31 October 2023
    • The only other thing you need to do is to put a copy of this flyer, in the box of each -01 or Compact product you had in stock at the end of 2022 (anything bought more recently we’ve already done this by adding a QR code sticker to the box)

All (-02 suffixed) EVS7 and EVT77 products (including G, GG and GGR variants) shipped by us since 1 January 2023 are fully compliant with the latest Smart Charging Regulations.


Information correct January 2023